Being a Mom as a Diabetic Type 1

I've been s Diabetic type 1 since I was 11 years old. At 11  I used to be so concern on how my diabetes was going to control my future plans. I had the world in my hands. I wanted to be famous, a mom, and a wife, etc.  As a preteen, many hormone changes at same time, and many questions on how well I was going to manage all of it. So I decided I needed to make changes on  my well planned future. One of those changes;  not to be a mom sounded great. Anyways, I needed to have a beautiful body and be beautiful, in my childish mind.

As I kept growing, then reality started. Once I graduated from high school I went straight to college. The excitement of being an adult and making my own decisions, having my own place was very intriguing. I wanted to live my life. But.....My parents were not ready. They wanted to overprotect me because of all my diabetes episodes. They were scare of losing there youngest daughter. I guess any parent with a type 1 diabetic kid can relate.

A year before graduating from collage, I decided I was going to get married to a military man. It seem like the perfect choice. Health insurance was secure, housing and even collages studies were available for both. As always I plan my move. Yet I didn't plan on how not to get pregnant. LOL

My first pregnancy was hard and with lots of challenges. Being so young (21 years old) and diabetic made it very interesting. During my whole pregnancy, I was hospitalized 10 times. Everyone at the Marty Army Community Hospital, Fort Benning, GA,  knew who I was. I was the challenge for all those doctors. I went through every test needed to have a healthy baby. At the end, I was advised not to go through with the pregnancy. There were signs of Down Syndrome baby or maybe a diformed child. After lots of crying and frustration, we decided (me and my ex-husband) to  go through with the pregnancy.

On June 13, 1997; Sabrina was born. After long hours of childbirth and pushing, she was born through a C Section. A 9 lbs 4 ozs baby was born. A beatiful baby born with perfect lungs to yell and cry. Right there, my future plans were completely change and my story as a diabetic type 1 mom started.

This blog is going to be dedicated to let you know, how being a type 1 had affected my life and everyone around me. But do not be scared, it is going to be about positiveness. Because even though is not an easy task, it can be done. And the trip have been amazing. All depends on how you can face the challenges and being strong.

Life is given to be liven. And every day is a gift, I do appretiate every minute of it. I want to help anyone who had to face a life with type 1 diabetes. It do not matter if it is you, your daughter, your grandaughter, your sister, aunt, mom, friend or someone else; facing life with diabetes type 1 is a battle and a challenge. But let me tell you something, IT CAN BE WON. Join me on this new journey, i'm going to show you how i did it and still do it.

Please feel free to email me and contact me, i want to learn from you to. Lets help each other, we are not alone.


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