Meet my Dinos-Diabetic Mom

In order to talk about my diabetic life, I have to start by my kids or Dinos.  I can say without any doubt, that I am alive because of them. I have three experts at home. My kids had devoted their lifes to keep me safe by helping me with my low blood sugar episodes or "bajones" as they say. They had comfront many challenges with my disease. Although it is their LOVE that keeps me going.

First Sabrina ,or Bina, the oldest is the one responsable of training the siblings. Sabrina, almost 23 years of dealing with diabetes, I guess she knows how to deal with my episodes by now.

My pregnancy with Sabrina had been filled with up and downs. It was a challenge even to the specialist to control my blood sugar episodes. After being in labor, 13 hours later,  Sabrina was born; a nine pounder beautiful baby. She turned into the love of my life. Sabrina at a young age started recognizing, by just looking at my eyes,  if my blood sugar was going down. Our connection was incredible. At the time, my diabetes was mostly maintain in control but Bina at an early age learn about all of mom's meds and insulin requirements.

Five years after, Edwin appeared in the picture. His pregnancy was much more easier and well manage. With Edwin, my miracle baby, my doctor discovered on an ultrasound that my right kidney was 200 percent bigger than normal. After I met with a specialist, we discovered that the problem was caused because I was born with an obstruction on my urethra and the pregnancy made it worst.

Edwin was a premature baby. He had to come out so we could take care of my kidney and have surgery. After surgery, ten percent of my right kidney was safe.  Which was the reason I named Edwin, my miracle baby, Edwin was born with three murmurs in his heart, including one on the aorta. A special little tiny little baby with a big personality. Everyone who knows him ends up loving him. He is what helps our home stay grounded. He knows everything is always going to be ok.

It wasn't until years later that we got anohter surprise. Mia Victoria, my last baby. During my pregnancy  with Mia, the diabeates was the worst it had ever been. I went through so many challenges including not having any doctor willing to help me with it. The specialists kept telling me that my life was on the line if I decided to take it to term. I kept dealing with many relationship problems and depression. It was a very difficult time. At the end of the pregnancy the one and only doctor, who decided to take my case, rejected me and send me to Centro Medico in San Juan PR. He explain it was the only place that could be ready for any eventuality during labor. Mia was a Valentine's baby. She was born on Feb 16, 2011.  It was awhile since a baby; so once again, I was back to diapers and bottles. After this last pregnancy, my diabetes kept getting difficult by the day.

I could say, that three to four times a week, we had a 911 incident at home and these crazy Dinos saved my life so many times. Amazing the way in which they learned how to manage. They made friends with firefighters and paramedics.

To be a diabetic mom is an extra challenge. It is so important to train your kids and keep everything at home in the right place so the kids could keep up while Mami could recuperate and be back home. I always had important phone numbers in the fridge. My meds always in the same drawer. They will know every answer. Why? Once my oldest, Sabrina was not at home, she had a sleepover at a friend's house. So Edwin took charge. But when he called 911 , he didn't know the address, we were in a new home at the time. So in that moment, his reaction was to run outside and ask a neighbor. Afterwards I knew I needed to help them be prepare so they could be my private heroes.

I decided to declare our family a team. We all had to work together to succeed.
The team dinamic is not just on blood sugar episode, it is done with anything at home. We decide the responsibilities and we make it a team effort. Specially when is time to move again...Lol
 If it is a low blood sugar, one takes care of glucose monitor, the other one gets juice and food and probably the other one helps by making the phone calls and answering questions.
Yes you will learn about that and much more later on. Welcome to a very chaotic, beautiful and diabetic family life.... to be continue


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