Stay Healthy on PANDEMIC Times

It has been a while without any posting. Why? I had to move AGAIN.  Those who know me, know I am the queen of moving, not because I want to; but because life had forced me to. It started by getting married to a military man and it kept happening by forces of My life is an adventure, we got experiences and tons of memories that need to be told. But do not despair, it is happening. The book is in the process and my daugther, Sabrina is working with me. The blessing of having a creative writer (author) college graduate at home.

I haven't posted, as I said earlier, because I was in the middle of a move. I had moved to the house I own back in Kissimmee. Many reasons had forced me to make the move. I do not complain. This house is amazing, comfortable and perfect for us. One of the main reasons had been COVID-19 and health issues.

As we all know COVID-19 is a hazard for diabetic patients. I had taken this situation seriously. We follow the procedures and all the steps needed it to be safe. We try to stay inform and up to date as well as we can. I do not want to talk about the same things that we keep listen day by day, COVID-19. I will like to talk about the ways in which I had helped myself and everyone at home not to get depressed and desperate. We all have our good and not so good days, that is normal. But how can we fight those not so good days? I had to forced myself to find diverse ways, because if not my health can get compromise.

Ways that had helped me to survive PANDEMIC times:

    • Gardening 
At my townhouse the HOA takes care of the landscape around the house. I do not need to worry about cutting grass, thank God. I had just fix it a little my own way. I had redesign some areas and replanted some of the same plants in different areas. As we know, is no time to add expenses. PANDEMIC means recycle, reuse, save and get creative. LOL 

    • Recycling
I had repaint decor in different colors including: Vases, dinning room set, curio cabinet, seats, lamps, picture frames, bedroom set, etc. It is great when you put a new face to old things and maybe donations from friends and family. In my case, it gives me confidence and a feeling of success. 

    • Organizing
I had taken the time to organize every closet, drawer and cabinets all around the house. I had used old buckets, recycled boxes, leftover lables from the move. Great feeling when you ID all the things that you keep acumulatiing with no use. And time to donate or throw away. As I did it, my mind kept creating new ways to used or recycle old stuff. Amazing.

    • Board Game days
Since with PANDEMIC I have the whole crew at home including my folks, we have our chinese dominos days, CLUE nights, MONOPOLY, and even JUMANJI nights. The last one, i discovered is my favorite. We laughed so much with that one. LOL Those times were healing time for me.

    • Movie Marathons
I had watched so many movies and series that always wanted to watch and never had the time. But with measure, because I think that to much TV means less exercise. Fight that I have with my kiddos at home. You all know that between cell phones and TVs that generation does not want to get out of the house. 

    • Walking the dog
Daily excuse to walk, breath outside and take some free vitamin D. That is been my time to have a talk with my mom. I do ask her questions, talk about my frustrations, let her know about future plans, about situations that i had gone through and she didnt know about. the bonding between my mom and me had grown so much more. 

    • Music
And when PANDEMIC emotions strike back; it is YOUTUBE time and reguetton it is, Marc Anthony, 80's baladas, etc etc. And while I am going crazy with rhythm, i do my nails, shave, try on new cloth or underwear and prepare myself for better days.

    • Bubble Baths
Bubble Baths are for those not so good days. Those days in which I hug myself and let the tears go out. Sometimes it is therapeutic as well. I do read, pray and let God know, my feelings. I ask him questions and had always get answers. I let him know what I want and ask for my promises. Healing moments for me. 

A positive mind is the answer to survived this difficult times. We need to believe in the miracle of the Divine Blood of Jesus Christ and the power that God gave us to protect ourselves and family. We all have different battles, but we all want the same, we want to feel free to live and go outside without being scared. We want to hug each other, we want to go back to the movies, we want to enjoy our time on earth. As a diabetic person and mom, I ask everyone to be safe. If you are safe, we can all be safe. How great would life be, if we lived a little of it everyday... to be continue.


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