

Diva Type 1 again. I want to start telling you about my different experiences as a diabetic type 1, different types of emergencies and 911 episodes. By telling you my stories, I want to show, what it takes to be a type 1 diabetic. Many times, I had encounter people trying to teach me how simple it is to take control. They come with the healthy monologue and the easiest procedure to survive this challenging disease. A type 1 diabetic is a cronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, period. But it is not as easy to control.

One of the most difficult moments in my life was the time that i went through a stroke. At the time, I was living with Mia's dad (youngest dino). We were living in FL. It was a saturday morning, I opened my eyes and notice Sabrina, Edwin and Omar on top of me. They told me, you had a low episode. I was told not to get desperate, to wait in bed because this time my low was intense. I remember, I couldn't talk back to them. But it was not the first time that happened. So I stayed in bed to wait out the episode and Omar went to the kitchen to feed the kids. After done, he came back and told me. Hey I put the bed sheets and comforter in the washer. Apparently through the episode, I didnt had control of my bowels and pee. 

After a long while, I was still waiting on the low to pass. My legs were numb and I felt my tongue heavy. Couldn't talk clearly yet. A little different this time, I though. It never took so long for me to recuparate from a low episode. Omar told me, again, take your time do not get desperate. So he kept going doing everything around the house. 

After a little longer, I decided I needed to take a shower. I wanted to get clean. Hello noone wants to look like that in front of her kids and husband. So me been so stubburn, even though I still couldnt feel my legs, I decided to push myself to the border of the bed and tried to stand up. Strange feeling. My legs felt so heavy and numb. But using my arms, I pulled my legs towards the floor and hold myself to one of my bed's poles and pull myself up. Trying to take a step, like in my mind I picture moving my leg, I tried to take my first step, but it didnt work. I lost control and fell against my bedroom sliding door. In my mind, I couldn't understand what happened. Omar and kids came running and found me on the floor. Without looking for explanations, Omar carried me to the shower and I end up taking a shower sitting on a stool and with Omar's help because I couldn't moved by myself.

At that moment, I realized something different was happening this time. I never had this outcome after a low blood sugar episode. At the end, we were inform at the hospital about the stroke. By that time, i did not had any type of health insurance. I always got denied. So as you all can imagine, the neurologist didnt followed up after hospitalization. I received therapies through my long stay at the hospital. Was able to moved my legs again and got better day by day.

To recuperate from that stroke took me two years. It erased two years of my life. So many details in that period of my life that amaizinly happened; me and kids went through it and survived. God had always been in control. After those two years, that I had stayed at home without work, I received a scholarship from Careersource Central Florida to pursue a degree as CNA and HHA. Guess what... I accepted. I needed to prove myself. After the stroke my mind turn different. My photograpic memory was not there anymore. I needed to proved myself and go back out my four walls. I had my kids looking up to me. I needed to show them that no matter what, mom was there and we were going to be ok. So I went took my classes and graduated. I actually enjoyed it a lot. Another stage of my life in which I was able to helped people, that like me went through a stroke but were not able to recuperate as I did. The GLORY to GOD. I enjoyed to take care of sick people all ages and was able to related and understand them. One of the most rewarding jobs, I had experience. 

So to conclude, one the most scariest times of my life brought the opportunity of making me realized that we can always try again. We can learn again. Can you imaging?! I couldn't even remember my birthday, social security number, my address. etc. It is not easy. It takes time and a lot of desire to go back to be you. My motor were my kids. They needed their mom back, so i decided I was going to make it happen again. 

My motor to fight back: Sabrina, Mia and Edwin


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