Endocrinologist Experiences

 Diva Type 1 and my experience with Endocrinologists

As a Type 1 diabetic, I was diagnosed at eleven years old. At my sister's 15 years summer trip. Before we left on vacation, I got a very bad ear infection. So I got prescribed heavy "antibiotics" and "ready to go on that airplane. First stop Disney, then Los Angeles and New York. It was an amazing trip and very interesting. Including all the episodes we had me peeing everywhere and having accidents at 11 years old. LOL...

As we got back home, straight to the doctors office next day. I was diagnosed as Diabetic Type 1. Same day, I was referred to Dr. Carmen Ana Saenz, my 1st endocrinologist and my growing companion until the day I got married and left the island of Puerto Rico. I was blessed by having her as my primary doctor. 

After I got married at 21, my experiences with doctors has not always been the best. But it has always worked out for me. Sometimes I had to even call Dr. Saenz to rescue me from loooong hospital stays because Army doctors couldnt figure out my diabetes. So consults over the phone with her will help them control it. 

Through the years many situations had add to the diabetic mix and special conditions. After my 30th birthday, my diabetes went very difficult. My low episodes started happening every other day or even twice on the same day. Having my meals on time, following diet and with a strict control with my doctor at the time. Dr. Mendez, in Kissimmee Fl. Many episodes and emergency room visits after a nurse at the ER referred me to Dr. Mendez. She told me I needed help since episodes kept been too extreme. I had concussions, lost of consciousness, I had come back after crashing at the ER. 

Dr. Mendez was an specialist in Endocrinologist, Diabetes & Metabolism. After Dr. Mendez care, I was diagnosed with Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 an autoimmune disorder   that affects many hormone producing (endocrine) glands. It is characterized by the presence of Addison's disease along with autoimmune thyroid disease and/or type 1 diabetes. After finally been able to figure out what was causing my extreme low episodes, me and the kids had a time to go back to normal and It lasted for a little while. 

After a few years, we went back to the episodes of lows and highs. This time, I did not had Dr.M anymore. I lost insurance coverage. By that time, I had the stroke. After the stroke,  I had two years in which I can't tell you what happen in my life, since I do not remember. It was a time in which all family was just asking God to take control. 

What I can say, is that at a stay in Osceola Regional Hospital this doctor ;Theresa Fynn, MD worked with me Pro-bono. She wouldn't charge me for visits and put me back on insulin pump after many years. With the insulin pump, the numbers were a lot better. After a few months on it, low episodes came back. This time, I started getting aggressive and with dementia. I always tried to explain to her, the severity of my episodes. I guess she couldn't understand it. Until once, I had a dietician appointment at Dr. F's office. It was an appointment at mid day, and one episode happened. The situation got so bad, that herself , Dr. F had to call 911 to take control of my episode. That was when, she finally understood the severity of the episodes and that I was not exaggerating on my episodes explanations. That day my insulin pump was removed and for more than 7 years. 

I can not say that I had not been bless with the specialists that I had got. All of them had been the helped that I needed at the moment. But I had the bad experience with most of them not listening to what I explain about my personal experience and myself. Being a diabetic for so long, had taught me a lot about myself.I know my body and I have an idea on what is going to work on myself and what won't. Sometimes that is the little mistake that some of them had done. They won't listen to me and my specific situation. They are experts and know their job, but they weren't good listeners. 

My doctors right now had being amazing. Like everyone knows, I am waiting for a Pancreas transplant. Dr. Leena Shahla had being working with me since after Hurricane Maria, that I made it to Jacksonville, Fl. She was who referred me to UF Shands transplant Unit. Her worked with me had been splendid. And my numbers had gotten much better.  Hoping that she is going to be my last Endocrinologist, since transplant will happen. I KNOW GOD is working on it, Health is on my way. Blessed way the one I grabbed at eleven years old, Type 1 diabetes had been my companion but certainly it would not be for much longer.


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