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Endocrinologist Experiences

  Diva Type 1 and my experience with Endocrinologists As a Type 1 diabetic, I was diagnosed at eleven years old. At my sister's 15 years summer trip. Before we left on vacation, I got a very bad ear infection. So I got prescribed heavy "antibiotics" and "ready to go on that airplane. First stop Disney, then Los Angeles and New York. It was an amazing trip and very interesting. Including all the episodes we had me peeing everywhere and having accidents at 11 years old. LOL... As we got back home, straight to the doctors office next day. I was diagnosed as Diabetic Type 1. Same day, I was referred to Dr. Carmen Ana Saenz, my 1st endocrinologist and my growing companion until the day I got married and left the island of Puerto Rico. I was blessed by having her as my primary doctor.  After I got married at 21, my experiences with doctors has not always been the best. But it has always worked out for me. Sometimes I had to even call Dr. Saenz to rescue me from loooong hos

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